From left: David Sheff; Marian Chapin, Caminar CEO Mark Cloutier,
Board Member and Event Committee Member Lisa Conover,
Board Member and Event Chair Rod Sockolov; Marian Chapin.
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Special thanks to Michael Collopy and Jerry Hill for capturing the day in photos.
In addition to bringing together people with a shared commitment to the health and well-being of our community and raising essential funds for our program services, the Circle of Support Luncheon aims to reduce stigma around behavioral health topics through education and conversation.
A sold-out audience joined us for this year's event, held at the beautiful Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club on April 26. Together, we explored a family’s journey with addiction and heard from experts in the field and from the front lines.
We are thankful for the leadership and generosity of our Circle of Support Luncheon Committee, chaired by Rod Sockolov; Board of Directors; Underwriters; and Table Hosts. Thank you for stepping forward to make possible this convening.
We’re delighted to share the following highlights with you.
A Father’s Journey Through His Son’s Addiction
We were thrilled to welcome our featured speaker, David Sheff, advocate and bestselling author of Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey Through His Son’s Addiction, Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America’s Greatest Tragedy, and his most recent book co-written with his son, Nic, High: Everything You Want to Know About Drugs, Alcohol, and Addiction. David shared his family’s journey with addiction, his extensive investigative research, and his empathetic advice for families on a similar path.
David’s candor, experience, and depth of knowledge on addiction, which he calls America’s greatest tragedy, was at once heartbreaking and inspirational. We appreciate and support his call for more and improved prevention efforts and easier access to treatment. And, for better ways to address the root causes of addiction, including mental illness, trauma, bullying, stressors, and other conflicts.
David expressed that a key to solving this crisis is to tackle the stigma around addiction and mental illness through openness, education, and willingness to talk about both addiction and the often accompanying mental health issues.
We thank him—and you—for helping to be part of the solution.
Marian’s Story and her Caminar Circle of Support
Marian Chapin, a local mother, shared her story of parenting a now-adult child who always has, and always will to some degree, cope with mental health and addiction issues. Marian beautifully and devastatingly described the roller-coaster drama of their journey, and the peace of mind and support she has found since becoming part of the Caminar family five years ago.
Today, Marian and her son are accessing many levels of support that our donors help to make possible, from family support groups to mental health care, supported housing to supported employment.
Marian remarked, “I’m grateful to Caminar. Thank you for your support of their services. They mean the world to local families like mine.”
We honor you for being part of Marian’s circle of support.
A Call to Action: What We Can Do
Our new CEO, Mark Cloutier, discussed the epidemic wave of behavioral health disorders—mental health and substance use disorders—that he has seen emerge over his years in the field, especially the rise among youth. He shared that prevention, evidence-based interventions, and increased support for behavioral health institutions can work together to turn this situation around.
Caminar will be commencing a strategic planning process that will put this epidemic at the heart of our work, with a commitment to clear dangers from our children’s horizons. Mark emphasized that in the Bay Area, where we have a deep commitment to philanthropy, world-class research institutions, a drive for innovation, and renowned experts, we have the best chance to make a difference.
Mark—and the entire Caminar team—welcome the help and support of all who wish to partner with us to stem the tide of behavioral health disorders in our youth, our families, and our communities. Mark’s full remarks may be seen here.
Please stay tuned in the coming months for more updates on our planning process.
Thank You for Your Generosity and Compassion
Because of you, vulnerable children and families receive the prevention, treatment, and recovery services they need. It takes an entire community coming together to provide the programs and resources necessary to address mental wellness. We appreciate your commitment to improving the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors.
Thank you.