Jobs Plus is a supported employment program that provides individualized training, assistance, and support to enable individuals to be successful in competitive employment. An on-site Job Coach provides long term assistance and support to the employee and employer at each job site, working with the new employee and teaching him/her the duties and responsibilities of the job. As the employee masters these newly learned abilities through goal-oriented skills training, the support services are designed to gradually decrease accordingly. The Jobs Plus staff is even available to provide technical assistance to the employer to help foster an empowering, productive work environment.
One aspect of Jobs Plus utilizes Personal Vocation Social Adjustment Services (PVSA) to provide training in appropriate work-related behaviors. This is designed to maximize an individual’s independent functioning by eliminating identified barriers to employment.
Another service within Jobs Plus is our Situational Assessments (SA) which assesses a person’s employment skills. This assessment tool assists with determining an individual’s job interests, abilities, and potential barriers to employment. The result of the assessment is a comprehensive and objective report that is focused on providing accurate goal-oriented direction both for the client and for the Department of Rehabilitation in the quest to assist clients with achieving successful employment.
Employer Benefits
We will assess your employment needs, recruit and match a qualified candidate at NO COST to you.
We provide NO COST applicant screening, specialized skill training and will help hire the right person for the right job resulting in lower staff turnover.
Interested in receiving Jobs Plus services in Butte County or employing one of our clients? Contact us at (530) 343-4421 or at