Image via CDC
Here at Caminar, we believe that positive behavioral health outcomes occur when a person is supported in all their basic needs and when social determinants of health are addressed.
A recent opinion piece in Newsweek, “Mental Health Doesn't Evolve in a Vacuum. Can Mental Illness be Prevented?” - written by the President of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Vivian Pender - shares and expands upon this view:
The American Psychiatric Association is studying the constellation of factors that impact mental health. These are known as the social determinants of mental health that are focused on root causes with an eye to prevention. This framework strongly suggests a downstream link between a person’s lived experience—determined by social, economic, environmental and structural factors—that contribute to mental health outcomes for communities. Authorities across the academic spectrum agree.
We invite you to read this opinion piece, which may help explain the importance of Caminar’s work and Caminar’s Behavioral Health Equity Fund.