How to Meditate and Cope with Uncertainty

Special thanks to Caminar Case Manager Jason Kaefer for this article.


Did you know those who meditate typically feel happier and more secure? Who wouldn't want a measure of serenity in times like these? Our world has become uncertain and there aren't any easy solutions—none we can purchase or download, anyway. Although, meditation can be used as a coping skill to achieve peace amid uncertainty, and if you're like me, you've felt the ground shifting under you lately. So why not give it a try?

What is it?

Meditation is the practice of focusing your attention on a thought, object, or activity, and silencing the noise coming from your mind. It is commonly used in the form of breathing exercises.

Though prevalent today, meditation has been around for thousands of years and has taken many forms to cope with an array of ailments.

Why Meditation is Important


●     Reduces stress

●     Improves attention and focus

●     Controls anxiety

 Stress Reduction

When we experience stress, our bodies respond by flooding a hormone called epinephrine into our system. This is the “fight or flight” response. The practice of meditation is meant to calm the body through relaxation and a stern focus on breathing.

Meditation can also lower blood pressure. Medical News Today reported that "a new study suggests the technique stimulates genes that produce telomerase—an enzyme linked with reduced blood pressure and mortality."

One way to practice stress reduction is to find a quiet place, sit comfortably, and focus on a word or phrase that can be anything you like. I like to use "rest" as my word. Try to ignore worrisome thoughts as they sneak into your mind.

The challenge will be to continually bring your attention back to the word or phrase you chose. Each time you do this, you are strengthening your mind and allowing yourself to relax.

You may also use meditation music while you practice. Many people have found that music assists them in remaining focused.

Focus Improvement

We tend to lose our focus under the stress of uncertainty. Meditation allows you to cut out all the unnecessary thoughts that cause emotional responses such as worry and panic.

Find a quiet place, sit straight with your feet planted on the ground with your palms in your lap. Count your breaths from one to four. When you get to four, repeat. Every time your mind wanders, bring your attention back to counting breaths.

Notice your body as you breathe. Notice your feet on the ground and your posture in the chair. Meditation is a mind and body experience, so take special note of your breaths in and out and what that feels like.

Anxiety Reduction

Once again, people seem to have trouble distinguishing from thoughts that can be thrown away versus those of value. An article by Harvard Health Publishing cites Dr. Elizabeth Hodge of the Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders. Hodge states that "People with anxiety have a problem dealing with distracting thoughts that have too much power.” She further explains that “They can’t distinguish between a problem-solving thought and a nagging worry that has no benefit.”

A technique called body scanning can be used to bring your attention back to the moment. This form of mindfulness involves observing—or scanning—your body's sensations. Notice the feeling of your feet, are they cold? Does one feel colder than the other? Do your neck and back feel comfortable?

Other Resources

It's natural to feel unsure of the techniques above, they take practice and discipline. Consider a YouTube search on “guided meditation” to kick-start your daily practice. This will also assist you in sorting through different types of meditation out there.

Remember that meditation is a method of dealing with stress, anxiety, and other emotional responses. The practice doesn't treat physical illness, rather the way you respond to an illness.

In times like these, it's important to rely on our ability to find inner peace.