Growing up with bipolar disorder, Sam faced significant struggles in his home and school life. Throughout his teenage years, he bounced between “out of home” placements, compounding his emotional trauma.
Sam’s challenges continued through early adulthood until he connected with Caminar’s services.
Recognizing that Sam was a bright and talented young man in need of community and direction, his case manager urged him to enroll in school and linked Sam with the experts in Caminar’s Supported Education Program.
The program’s Peer Counseling class at the College of San Mateo offered the perfect introduction to college life. Sam flourished in the class and found the confidence to continue his education. He then enrolled in the college’s Electronic Music program, where he learned to produce songs and shared his music at college performances.
Since graduating, Sam has joined the workforce and moved into his own apartment.
While continuing to experience life’s ups and downs, Sam works with his team at Caminar to manage his mental health condition, connect with community, and access the quality care that enables him to overcome challenges and continue moving toward his goals.
Thank you to all of our donors and funders who provide support that allows Sam, and other vulnerable members of our community, the opportunity to live their best lives.