Our Family & Children Services of Silicon Valley Division's 15th Annual Circle of Support Luncheon, held on April 27, 2018, at Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club, highlighted today’s youth and their mental health.
We were honored to present Dr. Tina Payne Bryson as this year’s featured speaker. Dr. Bryson (pictured with event co-chairs Olana Khan, left, and Lisa Conover, right) shared findings from brain research and practical tips to help children grow and learn from adversity, strengthen their resilience, and develop empathy for those around them. She noted that empowering children with “mindsight” can transform their relationships with themselves, friends, family members, and the world.
We also were delighted to honor the San Francisco 49ers Community Relations and 49ers Foundation for their philanthropic leadership. Director of Community Relations Stacy McCorkle spoke of the organization’s commitment to organizing once-in-a-lifetime experiences for heroes who have undergone extreme hardships.
View more photos from the day in our Facebook Album.
We extend very special thanks to our co-chairs Lisa Conover and Olana Khan, Dr. Bryson, and all of our underwriters and table hosts.