San Mateo County clients enjoyed our annual client picnic on Friday, July 21, 2017. Set in San Mateo’s Central Park on a beautiful afternoon, the picnic included lunch and plenty of entertainment.
Our clients were treated to a hearty lunch buffet of classic picnic fare: barbecue, rolls, salad, fruit, macaroni salad, fruit salad, and an array of sweets for dessert. During lunch, clients and staff lined up for a caricature artist, who quickly drew humorous portraits for all. More fun and games began once appetites were satisfied, including bingo, potato sack races, water balloon toss, arts and crafts, ping pong, and corn hole.
Staff loved seeing clients outside of program offices, dressed up for the occasion, having fun, and soaking in the sun and festivities. Our guests enjoyed socializing outside of the office with other clients, friends, caseworkers, and staff members. A thankful client expressed gratitude to Caminar for life-saving services and a few guests particularly appreciated seeing one of our Bridges to Wellness nurses enjoying a chocolate cupcake, with the reminder that sweets are okay in moderation!
We are appreciative of all who joined the fun and enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the park.