We have been greatly saddened by the recent death of Roy Whitfield Jr. (1981 - 2017), beloved son of our board member Carol Whitfield and her husband Roy.
In lieu of flowers, the Whitfield Family has requested donations be made in Roy's memory to Caminar.
To make a memorial gift by mail, please make your checks payable to "Caminar" and note "Roy Whitfield Jr Memorial" on the Memo line. We will be happy to share any messages of condolence that you enclose with the Whitfield family.
Attn. Development
2600 S. El Camino Real, Suite 200
San Mateo, CA 94403
To make your memorial donation online, please complete the form below. (Please note: The form is compatible with the Chrome and Firefox browsers.) You will be invited to include a message for the Whitfields in the "Enter a Message" box. For any questions, please call 650.513.1509 .
Read Roy's obituary as published in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law; you will receive a receipt for your records.